
Kickthestickz: Tell me you feel the same. Part 5.

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Chapter 5-

"What is wrong with him? I just wanted to give him his phone!" I shouted, pacing through my living room.
"Hmm." Jamie 'replied', getting pretty frustrated with me.
"I mean it's not like I was going to shout at him."
"Why don't you just go and see him?" Jamie shouted, annoyance ringing in his voice.
"I don't want to see him," I cried, shocked.
"You quite obviously do. You haven't shut up about him since you got home." He was right. I suppose I'm just angry, he'd come up with this and then he didn't want to see me.
"Just go and see him."
"No. You don't even know what happened Jamie."
"Because you won't tell me."
"I don't need to," I screamed, the words scraping at my throat as they made there way up, making it ache. Jamie sighed before focusing back on his DS. An awkward silence rang around the room, apart from the small Mario noises coming from Jamie's DS.
"I still think you should go and see him." he whispered under his breath.
"I can still hear you."
"You were meant to. Just go."
"I don't think it's re-"
"Just. Go." I sighed, Jamie wasn't going to give up, he'd probably drag me there if he had to.
"Ok, but if he hates me even more for showing up. I'm telling him it was your idea." He didn't care much for my threat as a grabbed a thin coat, since the weather outside wasn't too bad. I gulped with anxiety, I didn't want another argument, but as much as try to convince myself, and everyone else for that matter, I wanted to see Chris more than anything right now. Stepping out of my warm house, the cold air hit me. All though the weather looked nice, it didn't feel like that. The car journey was a long nervous one, my hands shaking against the steering wheel. Anger now anxiety, more than anything, I just wanted to be friends again, but wouldn't want that. My pale clenched finger, knocked against his front door three times. No answer. I tried again. No answer. Was he just ignoring the door, somehow knowing it was me? I doubted it, all the lights were off. Slightly frustrated, I whipped out my phone, fingers become numb from the cold air. 'Hey, do you know where Chris is, it's just he's not at his house?' I sent it off and waited in my car for a slow-coming reply off Phil.
'I think he went to some club in the middle of London.' Unfortunately, I knew which one he meant. We had gone there the year before for Chris' birthday. I hated it. It was full of violent drunks and the whole place looked like it was rotting away. Why would he go there again? I pressed my foot back down on the accelerator setting off towards the horrible club. The flash backs started settling in on the way there. The fighting was the most vivid of all memories of that place. The punches and the kicks. Chris had stepped into to help me. I was completely defenceless against a group of about four men. We did nothing, just sat and drank, until I'd gone to the bathroom. Carrying my drink with me, I'd stumbled a bit and caused it to drench a tall man, who didn't look impressed. He started shouting, his posture stiff as he did so. I tried to apologise but the man was set on being angry over this. All else that I can -or want- to remember is Chris trying to fight them off, and then just running. Shivers moved happily around my body as I remembered the terrifying night. Chris was so much more badly affected by it then me, so the fact he'd even want to go back confused me. I parked the car only a few streets away, knowing that there wouldn't be anywhere to park nearer. Walking down the street, I wasn't angry with Chris anymore, just disappointed. He'd gone to the one place he hated, more than likely just to get drunk, but I couldn't blame him. It was my fault. I didn't even say anything, didn't try to calm him down or make him feel better when I rejected him. I just said sorry. Gave him a pathetic apology. He deserved some one so much better any way. I'd told him I hated him so many times, even if it was only for a joke, he'd have to hear me telling me I hated him when I didn't. It was far from that,  he was my best friend. Was. I'd gone and fucked everything up. Chucked away the best person in my life, and all it would have taken was a little more consideration towards how he felt but I couldn't even do that. The more I dwelled on how I felt, the worse my feelings became and every single thing I thought of some how brought me back to Chris. Giving in to what my brain wanted me to think, I strolled along slowly. He could wait, I'm sure he was having a wonderful time with all his new friends. Walking past a small alley way, all I could hear was a faint moan followed by a series of 'thumps'. I carried on walking, the noises making me cringe and not wanting to get involved until I heard it. It was a small groan, but it was unmistakably him. I'd heard it plenty of times before, jokingly, but it sounded exactly the same. My legs carried themselves back to where I'd heard it, and it was their again. The groan, the noise shot through my ears. He was in pain. "Chris!" I shouted, my throat still aching from earlier.
"Peej?" I heard a faint whisper from further down the alley.
"Chris, don't worry, I'm coming!" I ran further and further, now fully in control of my legs.  Stumbling every dozen steps, I didn't get there as fast as I could. The closer I got, the louder Chris' moans got. It hurt me to hear him like this. To knew he was in pain. My heart beating twice as fast as usual, I had to stop to get my breath back. Stitches in my stomach and pain in my legs I eventually opened my eyes again to be greeted with the most horrible sight. A tall ginger man in his early twenties was stood over Chris his fist blood stained. Chris sat in a small corner, the strange man pounding his fist into his already swollen face. The moment was taking too long to settle in as I watched him hit my best friend. "Get off him!" I screamed, not caring that this man looked three times as strong as me.
"What are you going to do about it?" The mans voice was intimidating as he stood only metres away. I was careful to keep my distance standing in the shadows. There was a silence as I tried to figure out what to say. There was nothing I could do.
"Nothing." I sighed, feeling useless. I couldn't fight and I'm not strong. Slowly he wandered over to me, pride sparkling in his grey eyes. He placed his chubby face only five centimetres away from mine, the smell of alcohol clung on to his breath as he laughed at me.
"Whatever, I'm done with him anyway, you're both just pathetic." I went to throw a come back at him, but bit my tongue seeing the state Chris was in. The man happily strolled back inside the club, disgustingly proud of himself.
Chapter five, I'm trying to put a chapter up every night but it's getting hard:-(.
I wanted to put something in to this, but I decided it'd be better to put in the next chapter. I have it all wrote out in my head, so now I just need to type it. haha :-)

Part 1: [link]§ion=&q=kickthestickz#/d51cbm7
Part 2: [link]
Part 3: [link]
Part 4: [link]

Part 6: [link]
Part 7: [link]
Part 8: [link]
Part 9: [link]
Part 10: [link]
Part 11: [link]
Part 12: [link]
Part 13: [link]
Part 14: [link]
© 2012 - 2024 KazumiRii
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BethTheBubblyGirl's avatar

I'm sorry I'm so weird but this STORY